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  1. R

    Which Plan: HMO vs. HSA?

    @bill34 If you unexpectedly had to put $4,500 on a credit card next month, could you do it without wincing? If so, go with your HDHP/HSA heart - but be SURE to put a goodly portion of that $7k plus you can sock into an HSA, into an HSA. If not, well, HMO A is much friendlier to the odd...
  2. R

    Appealing/reversing a PPO health coverage decision

    @fab13 Some or all of what follows may be useful, not necessarily to produce a resolution before Monday, but for doing this kind of battle with your insurer, which you probably already know can take many, many days: apply occurrence dates to your already-pretty-detailed description of events...
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    Picking a doctor - looking for an explanation of some terms

    @grigor It would mostly matter if you had chronic conditions needing attention, and you ALSO needed hospitalization. Increasingly, hospitals employ "hospitalists" to handle your 'ordinary' care while in hospital - and generalists basically don't come by to see you anyway. Their 'generalist...
  4. R

    HELP: Married + newborn PPO v. HDHP (w/ HSA)?

    @antediluvian My broken-record default is to encourage people with choices to compute your total cost of coverage for each option, & compare. Here's an illustration of the basic comparison items. You may also want to look at your options for "dividing & conquering" - you're under no obligation...
  5. R

    Parent's healthcare refuses to pay for claim during dates of coverage, My healthcare refuses to pay for claim due to their own reasons.

    @hevymetlmystic Your tale is a bit confusing. which one is "my insurance" at this point - B, or Q? why would B extend you any coverage now, given that neither your mom nor you has been covered for, presumably, many months? And you've described Q as "your" insurance, when in fact you haven't...