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  1. L

    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @thankyoulord Im near the tailend of the waitlist. I’m hoping by 2023 or 2024 it’ll be on there.
  2. L

    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @gaelsbee Correct, must be 100 shares. You also have to hold them for 6 months to qualify. There’s a lot of shareholder discounts. If you have geico insurance 1 share of BRKB gives you an 8% discount for instance.
  3. L

    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @gaelsbee Nope, its the same regardless of 100 or 10,000,000
  4. L

    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @gaelsbee Reduces vehicle cost and delivery charges if you’re buying new. I never have but have been thinking about it for that ford lightning. If gas keeps climbing it might pencil.
  5. L

    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @brokenjohninchrist Makes me like them better they got that off their books! Edit: Apparently they didn’t? Oh well, I just own 100 shares for the shareholder discount. If oil prices keep rising I’m gonna buy me a lightning and flip it for 10k.