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    No State Income Tax

    @sir_cumference You’re right, I mistyped. You can change your of residency to anywhere you get stationed, while you’re stationed there.
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    No State Income Tax

    @emanxl Legally, you can change your Home of Record state of residency to any state you get stationed in. The method you proposed would be considered tax evasion, although it’s fairly unlikely you’d get caught. ETA to correct the term
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    TSP won’t roll in Roth account from prior employer

    @bigbossjock There will be a 10% early withdrawal penalty on all earnings withdrawn. If you don’t have a statement from your previous employer, you’ll have a hard time proving how much was contributions vs earnings.
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    TSP won’t roll in Roth account from prior employer

    @bigbossjock Why not just leave it in your Roth IRA, invest it, and add to it over time? You contributed it to your former employer’s Roth 401(k) for a reason, presumably for your future self. If you still expect to retire at some point, you should leave retirement funds in your retirement accounts.