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  1. P

    American Expat and Roth IRA

    @lulito485 Would depend on the state, I haven’t seen it (but most people living and working abroad don’t pay state taxes)
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    US -> Korea Tax Question

    @eee27 I used to file with FEIE in 2020, I assume it still works
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    US -> Korea Tax Question

    @blundercreek Yep. File for an automatic extension and then file the return once you meet the 330 day limit. (If you’re likely to owe on the money you earned in the first half of the year, you can pay some money with the extension so you don’t get hit with interest and penalties on that - the...
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    IRA investments while abroad - buying, not contributing

    @stan783 IRA contributions can't be more than the earned income on your tax return. The FEIE gets subtracted from that, so if all of your earned income is wiped out by the FEIE, your IRA contribution limit is $0. If you use the FTC, your earned income doesn't get reduced, so you can contribute...
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    Things to do when leaving the US permanently (not a US citizen)

    @shawnab At some point you’ll file a nonresident tax return with the irs and a part-year or nonresident return with the state. When depends on when exactly you move. (If you’re getting dividends and interest from any of the us accounts you may need to keep filing nonresident federal tax returns...
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    Things to do when leaving the US permanently (not a US citizen)

    @alexstore06 this is not true, though it's a common misunderstanding – likely due to the fact that "source" (as in "US source income") has a specific meaning in tax law/treaties that is not intuitive. but in any case, OP is not going to be employed by the company moving forward
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    Should I invest in the U.S. or Mexico as an expat?

    @jszy04 If you are considered a tax resident of Mexico then the tax implications should be similar regardless of which system you’re invested in, it’s just a question of which agency gets information automatically vs. you needing to self report
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    US based LLC/S-corp, living in Canada

    @littleangelone I'm a tax pro, not a lawyer, but my understanding is that the liability protections of LLCs are overblown and it's more important to have good insurance unrelated: I don't know the details, but if you're going to be residing in Canada you may need to register for and make...
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    What is the best way to begin saving/investing? (M35)

    @bezukhov Ramit Sethi’s book I Will Teach You To Be Rich is a good start - it’s written for an American domestic audience but the general principles are really solid and if you’re a US citizen most of the specifics will work too (though ignore the Roth IRA stuff as you likely won’t be eligible...
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    How do you guys use PayPal overseas without getting the account frozen?

    @praiselord12356 same, I don’t think I have ever had any problems and I don't usually use a vpn. i live in Mexico, previously lived in Spain, and have definitely accessed my account from probably a dozen other countries at various points.
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    US based LLC/S-corp, living in Canada

    @littleangelone maybe more of a r/USExpatTaxes question, or even r/cantax. I feel like I've heard that LLCs/S-corps are treated unfavorably under Canadian tax law, but I'm not sure. Is there a reason that you need to have an entity rather than receiving money directly as a sole proprietor?
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    Foreign tax credit ...

    @tunde I’d think so as long as you include the taxes paid as part of your gross income