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  1. E

    Renewable ETF: iShares vs L&G

    @lmms thanks for your insight. The volume in Germany is indeed only 10000, however in Milan its 40000. Not sure if the increased fees are worth the higher volume
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    Renewable ETF: iShares vs L&G

    @aliahsy seems like you came to the same conclusion as me. Was just wondering if I overlooked something because you don't hear a lot about this ETF
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    Renewable ETF: iShares vs L&G

    @afonso Yeah the China part kinda puts me of. Also my understanding is that China has already given out contracts for RE manufacturers so the potential for growth is bigger in other countries. Interesting point about biomass, haven't looked into all companies they hold, its just too many. But...
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    Renewable ETF: iShares vs L&G

    Hi, I wanted to invest in a renewable ETF and wanted to know your opinion on the two fastest growing ones. iShares Global Clean Energy is the biggest one, has been around for more then a decade and seems to be a solid bet. However, I stumbled upon L&G Clean Energy. The ETF was created less...