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  1. P

    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    @carlv_52 Thank you very much!
  2. P

    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    @carlv_52 How can it be daily if interest is only paid out semi-annually? i.e. the daily holdings do not increase unless I buy more shares or an interest payout is reinvested?
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    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    @ttowngirl I see what you're saying - I guess if you wanted to cash out before 2040 though and still make a decent return, you'd hope the premium on the bond goes up :')
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    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    @hooplik2014 Thanks very much, you've explained that really well! Looking into some of the others that are not selling at a premium - even if they have lower coupon rates, it looks like they may pay a better interest.
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    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    Check my maths please :) The R186 has a face value of R1, a coupon rate of 10.5% p.a and a maturity of 21/12/26. This means that for an investment of R100 I would stand to make R10.5 p.a if the investment is compounded annually? Though payouts are semi-annual, I don't know if the investment...
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    Laws around RA in South Africa

    @gifford26 Wow that sounds like a very good deal... That effectively means you start at 200% ROI?
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    Laws around RA in South Africa

    Hi all, Done a fair amount of research but hoping for some good opinions and caveats here. What are the laws around imigration and RA's in South Africa w.r.t to taxes and fees (though these are mostly specific to the company you're with)? Must it be set up to transfer into a new RA fund at...