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  1. N

    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jamessmith112 Yes, I used to compare. I do suggest going with a fairly large insurance company like SBI or AXA etc. but they most often have the best offerings anyway. You can fill out a basic application of what you're looking for and then a few of the big...
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    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jesusgal4100 Well that's silly as I never said online insurers are shady, you did, and you didn't provide any information to back that statement up whatsoever other then "my friend told me." The issues/differences I mentioned and experiences with the auto insurance industry in Japan is relating...
  3. N

    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jesusgal4100 Agree to disagree on what? That auto insurance in Japan is the same as North America? It's not! Japan's auto insurance offerings are 15+ years behind. Payouts for auto injuries in Japan are an absolute joke as are payouts for medium to large accidents or vehicle writeoffs. For...
  4. N

    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jesusgal4100 It has nothing to do with online insurers being shady. The insurance industry in Japan is about 15-20 years behind places like North America in regards to offerings, policies, payouts and just how the systems overall are run. I was a passenger in an accident in North America 12...
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    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jamessmith112 Mine is roughly 30,000-40,000 per year but it comes down to what options you select, vehicle, and your driver history but car insurance in Japan is a joke as they’ll do anything as everything to payout as little as possible and make it almost impossible to write off a vehicle...