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    Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

    @saachristian757 Nice, well in that case - ride on amigo 👌
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    Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

    @saachristian757 Just so I understand correctly, you're going to be looking at holding 500+ individual companies by year end then right? In that scenario, I would argue that ETFs are 100% the way to go. Trying to rebalance your 500+ company portfolio as an individual investor is a monstrous...
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    Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

    @saachristian757 10-15 stocks each week?! Sounds excessive 😂
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    Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

    @resjudicata No, you can't use your exemption to offset gains in ETFs - only individual stocks
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    Deemed disposal on investment funds

    @dablegend My understanding is that investment trusts are subject to CGT and not DIRT. As always, double check with revenue if in doubt - but just one source as a reference (if you hadn't already come across it) Scroll to end of page for the info...