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  1. M

    Sell or hold on

    @nambome1 Eh, it’s communication. You put forward a story that sounded like the adult kids were in your current house and contradictory info with the can’t afford $150. If you communicate more logically and clearly, you will get the same out of responses. If you want non-judgmental responses...
  2. M

    Sell or hold on

    @nambome1 This all seems honestly pretty weird. If they’re all independent, leave them alone, focus on your own finances, and hand them the 40k plus interest they’d accumulate saving 150pw for 5 years when they’re ready to buy. At 600pw plus increases, you’d be receiving near 30k per year in...
  3. M

    Sell or hold on

    @nambome1 What do you mean by “kids who can afford it”? You have said in the comments you aren’t profiting and are paying the repayments. If they can’t afford $150, they can’t afford to rent privately so what? They stay in the family home? Why? If you’re paying both mortgages anyway and you...
  4. M

    Credit Card Cashbacks, how do to min-max gamify them?

    @canuckgramz The info here and the websites of the main credit report providers (listed on the same site), are probably the most no nonsense sources. Aside from credit enquiries, they report on defaulting on payments, I think primarily when it goes to debt collection. It’s designed to prevent...
  5. M

    Credit Card Cashbacks, how do to min-max gamify them?

    @canuckgramz It is incredibly easy to cancel credit cards. Most you can do online or in app, without any human interaction. Yes, you have a credit score. The credit enquiry to get the card is negative, closing it is neutral, and multiple enquiries in a short period is very bad. You will get...
  6. M

    Credit Card Cashbacks, how do to min-max gamify them?

    @canuckgramz Finder is better for you. Finder has a section for cashback offers and nice filters.
  7. M

    40 y/o,House paid off,What would you do in my situation to grow wealth?

    @suzanne123 Yeah, especially with the industry choked.