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  1. M

    Car finance advice

    @elainecrawford First, recognise that you made a mistake by buying this car. Being able to pay the monthly installment is not the same as affording the car. Then do the damage control.
  2. M

    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    @crossdrivenwriter A sensible investor would open a tax free savings account on easyequities and buy an index tracking ETF like the Satrix S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100. A sensible investor understands that building wealth takes many years of diligently investing part of your income and being very...
  3. M

    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @alfiano I'm counting on a continually weakening but not collapsed Rand since most of my investments are in dollars. So besides the investment return, there will also be a significant currency return when exchanging back to Rands in 10+ years.