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    Inflation Q4 0.6% vs 0.8% expected QoQ

    @nonaffiliated You mean the debtors who have been seeing their debts be inflated away nicely in the last year or two? Either way it's a balancing act the govt does to maintain equilibrium... As a capitalist society it's generally always good to take on debt
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    Inflation Q4 0.6% vs 0.8% expected QoQ

    Discuss intelligently
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    US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

    Previous reading was 7.7% YoY and 0.4% MoM AUDUSD has moved from 0.6780 to 0.6860 as of time of posting. S/P March23 futures moved from 4050 to a high of 4180 (+3.2%) immediately off the figure, now resting about halfway up at 4120 (+1.6-1.7%).