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  1. M

    Getting robbed by Rogers...what should I do? (x-post from /r/Canada)

    @mauddib Get a new router then. It sounds like issues with your location or the router if you're getting a connection in only one room. If what I'm watching isn't hd, I just click "HD"; I don't know why anyone bothers with cable TV anymore...
  2. M

    Getting robbed by Rogers...what should I do? (x-post from /r/Canada)

    @mauddib Do more research first next time? Other than the tech issue with your router, there's not much there that you couldn't have solved by shopping around first or reading the channel lineup on the upsell... I pay 85 bucks a month for blistering 15mbps, with a 200gb cap, so I kind of look...
  3. M

    “How a B.C. woman got stuck with a $4,000 bill after renting a pickup truck”

    @aaa How so? If you read the terms and conditions it’s pretty straightforward. We’ve received literally thousands of dollars in claims for delayed baggage and other coverages over the last decade or so. The insurance has paid for any annual fees many times over. We’ve never had a problem...
  4. M

    Husband’s 6-year-old collections debt

    @bjk Your husband is a fucking deadbeat. He should ignore any contact and vigorously dispute any adverse reporting on his credit report. He’s well past the limitation period, and also nearing or at the credit reporting limit. He should learn a good lesson about this and never be be in this...
  5. M

    HBP Repayment

    @ching There’s reasons to pay it off faster. Within a couple years of our HBP withdrawal our incomes increased substantially. We were essentially paying it back at a significantly higher tax rate, so we paid it all back in one go as we expected our incomes to rise further.