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    Willing to jump, but still a bit afraid (open my own business)

    @enddayshappy Don’t have a success story but word of warning: Had a strong business case, 3/6/9 year forecast/budget/p&l, lots of market research, detailed 3 year plan, funding etc etc. Between COVID, borders being closed, JPY tumbling and a lack of a very strong domestic network and...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @irag8er Thanks, that’s interesting, particularly the bit about domestic vs multi national. Japan as.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @irag8er Is my wife getting the mortgage - she’s 18 months, full time employee, large international tech company with a great reputation (not FAANG). Impression from the people we’ve spoken to is that everything looks well within their approval range, but again they won’t say why it is being...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @resjudicata Yeah she does, though based on other comments here it may not been seen as stable as it’s not a Japanese owned company and she’s been there for less than 3 years.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @resjudicata I don’t. But it’s my wife applying, not me, and she is Japanese.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @devzhere That's a good thought. No pre existing conditions and nothing listed of that nature. We're in very early 40's though so maybe age is coming in to play. We offered to reduce the mortgage term during the application but they seemed reluctant to make it less than 30 years.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @0207ade It’s super desirable. Properties are selling before they even get to market as it’s in a ski town. Demand far outweighs supply.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @faithfound Thanks, I didn't think that was old! It is one of the newest buildings in the area. The loan term was 30 years. The real estate agent has been the least helpful person, other than gifting me COVID after testing positive but keeping it to himself, he's done very little. If there...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @revstockton Thanks, that's super useful. TBH I don't know if it was health or property insurance, the bank just said "insurance". Will try and get them to confirm.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @revstockton Thanks, I didn't think so either. It is really well built, above the standards of most new homes I've seen, and has been really well looked after by the owners. Will be pretty disappointed if we can't make it work as we've been hunting for a decent property in the area for two...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @russ_c The building is 15 years old, and in exceptional condition.
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    GK spare money and taxes

    @zela Good luck. Is in this thread :)
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    GK spare money and taxes

    @zela I found PWCs site has a useful high level starting point for some of this. I’m not experienced with how to deal with additional capital (sadly never got our business off the ground lol) but I did get as far as...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @jade2015 Thanks for the tip on CIC. She checked and no issues found, but good to rule that out.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @ninkies Thanks! Will try them as well.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @ninkies Thanks. Can you tell me which bank you used?
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @pixeloriousspriteson Thanks, honestly didn’t know that. Will checkout AU, don’t think we’ve tried that. Had been told the local Niigata banks won’t loan to people who aren’t currently local, which seems absurd given we’re moving there. I’ve suggested we keep trying but my wife seems convinced...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @pixeloriousspriteson Thanks. The question was more related to is it normal for banks to withhold information on why they have declined than what are the possible reasons for them to decline. Given the bank can’t tell us I wouldn’t expect Reddit to be able to. Single person on the mortgage...
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    @orthodoxjay1 No definitely not illegal, have met with the local council to talk through renovations as we would use the rebates offered as part of moving to the area, and everything is above board.
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    Mortgage declined, can’t get reasoning from bank

    Anyone had this experience? We’re trying to get a mortgage for a property in Niigata (currently in Saitama, will relocate). Have gone through lending assessment with multiple banks, all come back with limits nearly three times the value of the property/loan we need. Of those we’ve formally...