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  1. J

    How can I as a 15 year old save the most money by 18?

    @bsniloy I spent some time looking but only found vague references that there were banks that are fine with minor-only accounts. Don't out yourself, but is there somewhere OP should look to go?
  2. J

    How can I as a 15 year old save the most money by 18?

    @sozo1517 At 15 you can't open a bank account without a parent or guardian to co-own the account. It sucks in situations like this, but unless Dad is better they might have to keep money somewhere safe or run the risk with Mom.
  3. J

    Are there any rules of thumb for how much to spend on a vehicle purchase?

    @mattbilyeu I don't think planning on never paying interest to last forever is a good idea. If you want to pay 0 down or 0 interest, the amount will simply be added to the sale price when interest rates go back up.