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  1. M

    Advice on "overemployment" potential?

    @maluchristian New Zealand is small much higher chance of getting caught than in the US where it’s more popular. Take into account BD, seems like A is a pretty good gig all the benefits of being a contractor and employee in one
  2. M

    Tax help for superannuation

    @zuly Usually super funds in nz are taxed as they are contributed to look up ESCT. So shouldn’t be subject to tax on withdrawal, if you’re worried about it Any interest payed out by a term deposit will be taxed at this income paye tax level based on his entire year earning total. If he has no...
  3. M

    Hard to get my head around job decision - any help much appreciated!

    @mischathepuppy Take job A, Contract rates need to be significantly higher for it to be worth it. For my industry it’s common to not bother with contracts unless they’re are closer to double your hourly rate. You give up a lot of things outside of the immediate benefits when you go contracting...