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  1. C

    How can I as a 15 year old save the most money by 18?

    @cytkeenan To be able to support yourself you'll need to be in full time employment. You're years away from that, unfortunately. Putting yourself in a position to get a well paying job will be your best bet. Make sure you focus on your education and get the best grades possible. Be the employee...
  2. C

    Are there any rules of thumb for how much to spend on a vehicle purchase?

    @babyishcare Focus on the cost of ownership rather than the sticker price. Decide how much of your disposable income you want to spend on car ownership including depreciation, insurance, maintenance and running costs. Pick a car you like within that budget and save until you can buy it for cash.
  3. C

    Invest vs pay down debt?

    @marykate1019 The best order is to get clear of all debt except your mortgage, build a fully funded emergency fund, then start saving towards your goals (schooling, cars, retirement fund etc). Money being saved towards goals more than five years away could potentially be invested in the stock...
  4. C

    PV system financing; any feasibility study or other documents needed before asking for a loan

    @jmerten I'm skeptical that will be profitable over the long run, let alone that it's a sound investment compared to the other options. This equipment has a limited life and historically has only been economically viable at domestic scale due to artificially high bonuses funded by the...
  5. C

    Hi r/FinancialPlanning, me and my wife are trying to get a loan

    @ngie Apparently not, since nobody is offering you any loans. A mortgage broker should be able to identify suitable providers for you, but can't make you eligible for a loan if you aren't.
  6. C

    running out of food budget - did I underestimate my food cost or did I buy too much luxury food item?

    @confuseddeist Pizza, frozen meals, that sort of thing. Add up the amount of meat you're buying over six days. At 100g - 200g per day, that would feed you for several weeks. If you're using meat to bulk out your meals, that would explain how you're spending so much.
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    Ok so I've fixed my credit score, have 0 debt, saved a 6-12 month emergency fund (12 months of rent, 6 months of all important expenses) now what?

    @jptex77 Start saving towards your goals. The timescales and your risk tolerance will determine where to keep the savings.
  8. C

    ETFs - FTSE 100 , S&P 500 - What if e.g company number 7 becomes bankrupt?

    @kesh77 As the company value drops out will move down the ranking and tracking funds will reduce their holdings in it. Since this will drive the price down it is self reinforcing and the price may drop quite sharply as people lose confidence. By the time a company goes bankrupt it will probably...
  9. C

    10 steps for saving

    @jeanniedot Instead of that, read the side bar.
  10. C

    running out of food budget - did I underestimate my food cost or did I buy too much luxury food item?

    @confuseddeist The first thing that jumps out is that you're buying a massive amount of meat for one person for less than a week. The fact you're buying junk food on top of that makes it even harder to understand. You should probably work out your daily calorific intake and protein intake...