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    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @eloise It's not the split the issue, it's the different end dates. Banks will only offer you a loan on a collateral if it isn't (already partially) pledged to other banks. With loans with different end dates, you're practically locked in and can't change bank since when one ends and can be...
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    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    @pkumom2016 "if you look at the chart since 2008" that is.
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    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    @seeking456 It's mandatory by law but also by law there are appaerntly no sanctions. It's... an interesting aspect of personal finance.
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    US Estate Tax on VT for non US Persons (all of us)

    @jarjj70 Because 13.61 M is an exception. It is granted for a limited time and (I guess) constantly renewed to help whatever club of millionaires that pay for the MPs election campaigns. We ofc don't know whoe they are and when they will pass away. So unless the OP plans his death in the coming...
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    US Estate Tax on VT for non US Persons (all of us)

    @jarjj70 CH has a treaty with us regarding estate, we get the same treatment as usa citizens. As long as your global worth does not exceed 7M you're fine, there is just a little more bureaucracy for the inheritor. If you exceed that globally the portion of assets you hold in USA are taxed...