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  1. C

    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @curiousspring Yes, because “this time is different!” Denial isn’t just a River in Egypt.
  2. C

    Talk me out if this…I am thinking of locking up a decent chunk of my bond allocation in l-t treasuries

    @yodo Some people hate covered calls and seem them as risky no matter how they are implemented. Generally low-information investors. Which is to say, 95% of Reddit. Lol
  3. C

    Talk me out if this…I am thinking of locking up a decent chunk of my bond allocation in l-t treasuries

    @theflower Look at $HIGH instead. Tbill ETF plus a very conservative covered call strategy. 9% yield… virtually no change in share price up or down.
  4. C

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad Have a 401k and a ROTH IRA FTW.
  5. C

    "Outside of the Magnificent 7, the rest of the S&P 500 did nothing."

    @abesabre OP is this you?