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  1. S

    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @kaytiedid that is an etf, he wants real bonds so he can collect the coupons and get the principal at the end.
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @brothermark83 Nice, found it, but how do you know if you are buying at a discount or at a premium...etc?
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @bethlehem57 he is speaking about real bonds not ETFs, people here don't seem to understand the difference. Also, to hedge you just need to short the currency, don't need to buy a hedged position and pay fees on it
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @brothermark83 did you manage to find the 1 year bonds at 4%? I am at the same situation as you, want them but seems impossible for us European peasants to access them. If you manage to get it in IBKR, would you mind share how did you do? I already checked the bond scanner but is really complex...
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @bethlehem57 the FX can be hedged
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @sisterpolly3 in what broker?
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @eastcascade are you sure about that yield? last month it did 0.35%
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 no, is a eur etf
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @simondesimone did you check? I think is 4.2% now?
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @simondesimone ticker in trading212 is XEON, is from Xtrackers not lyxor, my bad
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 isnt the Lyxor etf giving more than 4% now?
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @harttysoul the question wasn’t if it is better to enter a recession with high rates or low rates, the question is if it is going to be a recession and in my opinion yes, specially after powell pivoting out of the blue. it tells me they are seeing it already
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @harttysoul rates arent a thing that are felt in the economy straight away, so you can cut as much as you want but companies and individuals will be blowing up in the meantime
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @oldmantook inflation is decreasing because we are going into deflation, you are just seeing the car slowing down before the crash