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  1. F

    For Real Estate investment, does my math make sense?

    @jesusismyanchorinthestorm Sure as a business you can definitely make it work, coz you are investing your time too, something you don't do with buying residential shit expecting it to be passive income.
  2. F

    For Real Estate investment, does my math make sense?

    @mayello If it's a home? Sure but it but don't call it investment please, especially when you are buying it in tier one city, rather invest in real estate of growing tier2 or 3 cities to make actual multiples on your investment in a decade.
  3. F

    For Real Estate investment, does my math make sense?

    @mayello What you are saying has lot of moving parts, first you need to find tenants, if you don't find them you will miss on rent ,the if you finally find them youist ensure they give rent timely, then comes repairs , thee eis no fixed number for this, then comes growth of property value...
  4. F

    For Real Estate investment, does my math make sense?

    @mayello Real-estate as a form of passive income generating investment is the stupidest thing I have heard. Especially when you buy it on credit.
  5. F

    should i buy a 2.5 cr flat?

    @golfnut1913 Better move to tier 2 cities