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    Assalamyuallikum. Who decide shariah compliant?

    @unknown404 I know those 3 options I am just saying dont expect much from them.
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    Assalamyuallikum. Who decide shariah compliant?

    @unknown404 "Muslim" businesses always have debt factors in them, I live in Egypt, and interest here is even higher than the US. Opening a business isn't as easy as you make it sound like, if you're in a Muslim country, you probably have devaluating currency that is on the brink of collapse...
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    Assalamyuallikum. Who decide shariah compliant?

    @unknown404 So forever a 9 to 5 slave.
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @princesst1 I think it was much more problematic than that, I recall I read somewhere the sultan even sentenced people to death over it. Check this video:
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @princesst1 Why was it banned thought?
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @onestrongwriter Bitcoin in its own can buy and sell you goods just like USD, and can be used in a speculative manner just like USD in forex, and even just like timing gold rallies and gold dumps. And I argued above that the use cases for USD as stock trading or forex is by far huge. You just...
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @onestrongwriter I'm missing something? The question is about bitcoin is it halal or haram, is it about trading? I personally neither have bitcoin nor is actively trading bitcoin so don't worry about the good faith part. On the trading part now, what's the difference between speculation and...
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @onestrongwriter You're trying to make a knife haram because people can kill with it. Just like the ottomans deemed the printer haram because people could fake Quran with it. Bitcoin is like any fiat currency, how people use it is not an innate characteristic of the currency, you can use it to...
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @onestrongwriter Yes, it's called FOREX and stock options etc..
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @princesst1 I am sorry man but I don't think you've understood my point at all. If you can read arabic, I can give you some sources about why Al-Azhar now thinks interest of banks is not even Riba, which is something so questionable for myself. I didn't say Shariah won't deal with FIAT money, I...
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @princesst1 Yes but my point was fiat never was a thing nor was intended to be مال in the Islamic society of the prophet.. What you said doesn't counter what I said.
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @princesst1 How is fiat currency coming after Islam by a thousand years a distortion of history? FIAT currency was only used in China, and it was the main reason why China fell, that's around 3000 BC. Then FIAT literally came back in 1971 with the Nixon shock..
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @eternallykeptbyjesus Is this to me or him?
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @princesst1 You keep saying my understanding is wrong, yet you are unaware of acknowledging that I judge things differently, and you claimed a couple of weird stuff here. 1) Money has no value in itself, which is a concept that came after Islam by a couple of thousand years. Basically, money...
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @princesst1 Lip service of the same thing. In islamic finance, they give you some 2 or 3 months limit, or else they will put "extra charges," and those charges are not written as interest, so it would pass Islamically. While those fees are in line and even more expensive than the normal...
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    Long term investment

    @aprile The problem with HLAL is that it's allocating largely different weights on different stocks, for example it has 14% alone into AAPL which is absurd, it's very concentrated and if there is any tech bust it will behave like QQQ and you'll end up losing much much more than the S&P..
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    Tech Heavy Sharia Stocks - Some Reassurance insha'Allah

    @coelohim This is not sitting right. Again, the problem for Sharia etfs isn't that all the etfs are tech heavy. That's a concentration problem that if tech crashed soon, it would crash the whole market. The problem with shariah etfs is that it's not equally weighted on all sectors like VOO or...