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    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @susa Yes, I am confused myself 🤔 I think I like the thought of potential renovations before I move in, but that sounds incredibly ambitious and wasteful financially.
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    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @1tonne I'm curious about this, is that so that you can make the style choices yourself or?
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    Broker stuffed up need advice

    @zondaar39 Ummm bro, you should check your privilege. You are clearly privileged because you chose to read the contract of the most expensive personal asset as opposed to not reading it. OP is less privileged automatically and the bank and broker should thus refund the loan, pay his rent and...
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    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @resjudicata I love that though, at the end of the day, whatever modernisation you do is still better than what was there previously. So that's awesome.