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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @graymike91 That‘s exactly what I wrote no?
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    How to deduct car expenses for commuting from taxes?

    @rengb121 Car can only be deducted, if public transport would take you more than an hour extra time total. But what you can for example do in ZH (probably other cantons as well) Just deduct the monthly subscription cost x 12, for the commute with public transport. Regardless if you use it or...
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    Taxes on Bonds

    @savedlongs In general you can summarize all your questions in two answers: Any coupon payment is taxed as income, period. No matter the source, no matter the domicile etc. Zero coupon bonds are taxed as capital gains, and I would advise against buying any. They are tax inefficient and I dont...
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston Ireland has a tax treaty with the US for the funds domiciled there, which reduces the withholding tax from 30% to 15%. But those 15% are not recoverable. With US domiciled funds bought at ibkr for example, you set up the w8-ben at ibkr which reduced it to 15% as well. But then you...
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    How to invest in bonds?

    @novum123 And you are now mixing up psychological reasons with what‘s objectively better, from a return perspective. It‘s totally fine of course having bonds, if otherwise you can’t stay the course during a bear market. Not arguing against that. The 20 years recovery period (you probably mean...
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    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod Sure sounds like a solid idea. For my own personal taste, I would just not be that comfortable in overweighting emerging markets. You could also do VWCE/ZPRV/ZPRX/SPYX; 70/15/7.5/7.5 Now it‘s just starting to get "complicated" again. But it still follows a sound strategy...
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    How to invest in bonds?

    @novum123 Bonds should be in your local currency. You can see pillar 2 as bond-like in my opinion, but it‘s essentially not usable for your normal portfolio. But you can still count it as part of your total portfolio. If you want the annuity or lump sum cash depends on you. Also what will the...
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    What’s the most tax efficient way to invest in stock in Switzerland?

    @sonofmatthew The dividend yields on sites like this are notoriosuly wrong. You can look at ictax to see what is the actual rate. Or go to the etf page add all the dividends together and divide by price. For VT it‘s around 2.1% currently.
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston Watch this on why s&p only is a bad idea: Also only buy US domiciled funds otherwise you lose 15% of the dividends in withholding tax.
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    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod Sell everything, go all in VWCE and you can add some small cap value in the form of ZPRV and ZPRX for a bit more risk/as diversifier + more potential return. Id do 75/15/10; VWCE/ZPRV/ZPRX
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @baruch1981 Any dividend you receive or is used in accumulating funds is the same. You have to declare it in your tax declaration.
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @kapp You can check under account settings, but if you are not in minus, you probably dont have a margin account. Super strange. Check all your transactions again. You can check on the ibkr web page under reports. I cant imagine you got money out of thin air
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @kapp Do you have a margin account and your currency is no in minus?
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @onewayjesus Ahhh, yes now I get it. And true definitely, good point to keep in mind. One definitely has to adjust the amount to be invested every now and then. As CHF tends to aplreciate, you otherwise start piling up unused CHF in the account. You could also invest that separately like...
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @onewayjesus I mean you can only set it to buy in usd? You cant buy VT in chf. So not sure what you are trying to sY here
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus The currency conversion works automatically from chf -> usd, when setting up recurring investments with ibkr. You deposit chf as normal and it just pulls those chf and buys VT with it. Of course if you want to pull out money after selling you have to convert yourself then. But I dont...
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    MSCI World ex USA

    @rclouviere What do you mean risks? It‘s developed countries without US. It‘s literally in the name what it is. Msci world without the US. The risk is the same like with any index fund. Idk what you want to discuss here. It‘s a nice new way to tailor ones regional allocation how you want it...
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus If you activate recurring investments and set a schedule, ibkr auto-converts tge currency for you for free. VT has lower TER and you can get back withholding taxes you lose out on with vwrl. Effective cost of vwrl is ~0.5% higher then VT
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    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 That would annoy the boomers. As the meager 1% we get is due to our money needing to finance their 6.X% conversion rates. The boomers would smash this on a vote, as they royally fucked us over last Sunday already with the 13th ahv. In case you havent noticed, Im very salty towards...
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus Why? Buying VT is more efficient. You can activate dividend reinvestment on ibkr. Currency of the etf doesnt matter, only when it is hedged.