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  1. F

    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @christiancentipede If by that you mean you think I am one of the lucky ones who are “teleworking”, you would be mistaken.
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @kgb52 Ah, thx for the heads up
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @kgb52 Idk if I’m just having a whoosh moment but...first command??
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @kitty346 Just looked it up and got it, thx
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @yslava1 Done and done-er. Thank you.
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @angelsue Good catch. Thanks for this!
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @myrtleblossom Thanks for the kind words stranger!
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    @typo First and foremost, THANK YOU for your reply and all of the info. I know that the BRS isn’t an option anymore and yes, it was 100% my choice not to opt in. I stated the reasons for doing so which unfortunately ended up being the wrong decision which sucks but it is what it is. I...
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    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    30 y.o. USAF AD. I came in slick sleeve (August will be my 4 year mark) and have been contributing 10% to a Roth TSP since I got in. My only debt is my car loan. I am NOT enrolled in the BRS because -I honestly didn’t think I was going to stay in past my initial enlistment and originally just...