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  1. S

    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @minmikrub Not much. Money market funds in general are considered very safe asset classes. Same category as gov bonds. In my whole 15 years of trading I've only remembered once when the money market collapsed. That's during 2008 when bearsterns went bankrupt taking along with them the whole...
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    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @thenarrowpath For me it's versa. Just consistently high. But there's a bit of promo juggling.
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    Willing to invest rm10k but not sure what to invest in

    @orthodoxokie Before you start investing, get your financial priority in order: Assuming your financial house is in order, the best thing you can do is dollar cost average snp500 since you're 19. What is it: Why it works: