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  1. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    @celticpiping In the same boat as everyone here and sooo glad there's now a thread for it. I tried finding information when I first saw it and there was nothing but there being so many of us makes me hopeful this will all be sorted out and it's just some mass glitch. That said, I was going to...
  2. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    @fendertl5 I was also going to appeal but don't have the option online. It just says "view determination" but all it does is open the pdf. Thought I was taking crazy pills too so this makes me feel better. CDLE seems confident that this exercise caught 99% scammers so my best guess is they...
  3. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    @lloydk I just called an hour ago and was on hold for ~30 minutes. You may not have selected the right combination of options if you didn't get to a queue. It was 2 and then 1 think? And make sure it's this number, not the number on the letter: 303-318-9035
  4. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    @fendertl5 Yeah. I really would have liked to have something in writing confirming I’m good before the appeal deadline is up but since it seems to be a well-established mishap at this point it’s probably unlikely to cause any issues down the line.
  5. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    @fendertl5 Just in case anyone still checks this thread like me, an update from my end: Just called that number (selected option 2, option 1 redirected me to the bot, was on hold for ~30min), had to confirm my SSN, contact info, DOB and they put me on that list. He said no need to appeal or any...