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  1. M

    What’s our next step?

    @snowshard14 Apologies, I thought the amounts you posted were minimums. Is he getting his active duty pay or his VA Disability? You can't collect both, so you're only calculating that for retirement, right? I don't want you to be expecting that check from the VA just yet! If you haven't...
  2. M

    What’s our next step?

    @snowshard14 It's great you have a budget, good work! I'm going to give you my honest opinion, please know I'm not trying to be judgy or mean. You really need to focus on getting that debt paid off. That's a lot to carry between the student loans, credit cards and car payments. You have...
  3. M

    What’s our next step?

    @snowshard14 You should make a budget for yourselves before you do anything. You have a high income but not much savings comparatively. Not judging you, just stating that there's probably extra money going to places where it doesn't need to go. A budget will help you find this and redirect...