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  1. C

    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ninjakid Thanks! So Schwab and E*trade allow expats to still manage their portfolio overseas from Japan ..?
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    follow up: moving to Japan! Please give me some advice about what brokerage to use to continue holding my current U.S. stocks and buying more!!

    Hi all, I posted a few days ago but I wanted to make a follow up post, I will be an expat in Japan in 2 months (moving from U.S.). I have American Permanent Residency and Japanese citizenship. I have a re-entry permit, so I can stay in Japan for up to 2 years, but after that I may lose my...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @foxhound21136 yea my mother can probably help. thank you!
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @resjudicata I've been reading on other posts about this... do you by chance know the difference between having an account on schwab/E*TRADE/vanguard...etc. as an expat in Japan vs being on IBKR in Japan...?
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @hark wow this was so informative, thank you! I just did some math, and unfortunately most of the stocks I bought are from 2020-2021 when I came into the market hot thinking I knew what I was doing after watching a few youtubers. TLDR they are all down by about 40%, sometimes more. Most of my...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @hark hi, thanks for the reply. Can you explain this further..? I am a tax noob and I am lost
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    need some advice with owning a U.S. based portfolio as an American ex-pat (green card holder) in Japan

    Hi all, I'm a U.S. green card holder with Japanese citizenship, about to be based in Japan as an expat in the coming months. I was wondering if anyone here could shine some light on how to manage a stock portfolio in my situation. I was pretty clueless but upon doing some research, I now...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ethzz Got it, thank you once again. I may make an updated post soon inquiring further about my specific situation. I basically want to figure out how to better manage a portfolio in my situation (U.S. expat, based in Japan). The tax situation seems to be a headache, so I want to figure out what...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ethzz So I just did some math and checked my portfolio. I started investing around 2020-2021, and I chose some pretty risky stocks. Most of my positions are down about 40%, sometimes more. I think most of my stocks are down enough where I don't have any phantom gains. Should I still sell and...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ethzz wow, I never thought about this. so you're saying that because the yen is at a historical low, there is a high chance that I will experience a "phantom" gain, and to avoid being taxed on my "phantom" gain in Japan, I should rebase my portfolio before moving... is that correct..? I'm going...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ethzz Hi thank you for your insight. I read the comments here about rebasing before moving and I am super lost... can you explain in simpler terms please? I get that the yen is really weak now and I understand that it is projected to stay this way, perhaps even get weaker... and I think you...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    Hi, I’m a Japanese citizen with permanent residency in America. I got my re-entry permit sorted, and I am moving to Japan in 2 months, but just realized I may need to do something about my investment portfolio before I move. Right now I have the bulk of my stocks on SoFi, and some on ETrade...