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  1. C

    Employment gain in April driven by part-time work / La hausse de l’emploi observée en avril est attribuable au travail à temps partiel

    @resjudicata Also not good for GDP, is the fact that those stellar job numbers the feds were bragging about post Covid were 31% civil jobs. Everyone running to government work is not actually good for the economy and specifically, GDP growth because, other than income taxes, it does nothing for...
  2. C

    Employment gain in April driven by part-time work / La hausse de l’emploi observée en avril est attribuable au travail à temps partiel

    @sa_m When I saw this this morning my immediate thought was “that’s how many Canadians are seeking part time employment on TOP of their full time job to make ends meet.” You’re right, I too think this is “really bad”. And I wish they’d dive deeper into the numbers. It makes a big difference in...