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    Caught realtor in a lie - do I just have to accept this as the standard?

    @sentot You have it wrong. He iced his wife in his own freezer in his apartment, not in my apartment. She never came to our place.
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    Caught realtor in a lie - do I just have to accept this as the standard?

    @nathanc Well it did take him over 6 months to sell an apartment during a booming property market...
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    Caught realtor in a lie - do I just have to accept this as the standard?

    @m32s How do you know when the real estate agent is lying? His lips are moving. EDIT: The worst real estate agent I have personally met was Andrew Huoling. At the time I was renting an apartment that he selling as the agent. Seemed nice enough, but something was always a bit off. The reason...