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  1. K

    I’m 40, here’s where I’m at for retirement…

    @endquote You are saving way too much unless you plan a lavish lifestyle. It's not worth saving RRSP's if your wife has a pension as she will pay about the same taxes on withdrawal. TFSA is a better option. And do not stress over that FULL pension. Leave when she wants and live on a little...
  2. K

    Using algebra to decide between TFSAs vs. RRSPs for retirement planning

    @herlings lol I did a similar analysis years ago: It's all about the withdraw tax rate vs contribution tax rate. If it's lower when withdrawing, the RRSP is better. If you are getting CCB the RRSP is even better. RRSP FV = PV(1 + r)^n × (1 - tw) TFSA FV = PV(1 - tr) x (1+r)^n where r = rate...
  3. K

    Cost of food in Canada

    @qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn Buy frozen fruits and veggies. Learn to cook with cabbage, lentils, dried beans, rice etc Buy on sale and freeze