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  1. B

    SG Expat Controbuting to Roth IRA

    @yannessoh Thank you for your response. It is greater than 6500 USD. I would like to confirm if I’m able to contribute to my Roth IRA after taking the FEIE/FTC given foreign income earned. I understand that if one’s income exceeds the FEIE income limit, one may still be able to make a...
  2. B

    SG Expat Controbuting to Roth IRA

    Thank you in advance and apologies if any confusion with my understanding. I’m a single American living and working in Singapore. My 2023 income in Singapore was 200k SGD (~145-150k USD.) For the 2023 tax filing, looking to use the FEIE along with housing exclusion maximum (2023 housing costs...