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  1. C

    How much do I have to make to afford my dream car?

    @cojazzma True. If we apply it to this example, OP wants to buy a $70k car. If that makes him happy that’s cool. For $70k I could fly me and my 10 closest family members on an international vacation. Thats an unforgettable memory I’ll have with my loved ones. When I’m on the deathbed I’m gonna...
  2. C

    How much do I have to make to afford my dream car?

    @chiefgeek Fair, you have to look at what really brings you happiness. If a car worth $70k is that, that’s cool. But I still think it’s irresponsible if you can’t buy it in cash. My opinion is things only make you happy for a little bit until you get used to them. I’m a big advocate for...
  3. C

    How much do I have to make to afford my dream car?

    @triedandtested Gotcha, to be fair I know 0 about cars. Even if they do hold value I personally wouldn’t be comfortable holding a large portion of my net worth in one
  4. C

    How much do I have to make to afford my dream car?

    @triedandtested If this is gonna be his daily driver is it still really going to hold its value if 10-12k miles are being put on it a year? Plus dings and scratches that happen. Personally that would stress me out driving around and worry about nah damage on my car with something of that dollar...
  5. C

    How much do I have to make to afford my dream car?

    @eddified You can but I don’t think you should. What do your retirement savings look like? You should 100% be maxing those out before buying what is essentially a toy equal to over half your net worth. I think when it comes to any luxury vehicle, you should only buy it if you can afford to take...