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  1. C

    Surpassed £85,000 VAT threshold selling second-hand goods - how shall I go about managing the implications? 23 y.o total accounting novice.

    @rgsfds This is excellent news! I will be several months late in registering 😬 but I hope that this will be understood as the genuine mistake that it was and no penalties will be incurred (upon realising I have pulled all my listings from eBay and have been actively trying to rectify the...
  2. C

    Surpassed £85,000 VAT threshold selling second-hand goods - how shall I go about managing the implications? 23 y.o total accounting novice.

    @robbie0376 I massively appreciate the time you have spent writing this incredibly detailed and accessible answer to my query, thank you! In response to your first point - I have been tallying everything up on Google sheets so far with limited success. Is it worth moving straight across to an...
  3. C

    Surpassed £85,000 VAT threshold selling second-hand goods - how shall I go about managing the implications? 23 y.o total accounting novice.

    @mosherjosh Thank you for taking the time to read and reply, it is greatly appreciated. I think you are right in terms of paying the accountant. She was very helpful in our consultation but I feel there is a lot I can do myself before I go back to her in order to save money. I am in the...
  4. C

    Surpassed £85,000 VAT threshold selling second-hand goods - how shall I go about managing the implications? 23 y.o total accounting novice.

    I have a business selling second-hand clothes on eBay which regrettably sailed past the £85,000 threshold a couple of months ago without me even realising that this threshold existed! Totally foolish on my behalf and I take full responsibility for not educating myself earlier on the issue...