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    Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL) Analysis

    @bea1271 ITT: Everyone bullish on google. Reddit collectively agreeing a stock is undervalued or a good buy is cause for alarm
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    Apple Is Planning 3-D Cameras for New iPhones in AR Push

    @dellfred Who needs 3G connectivity, and both a front and back camera on a cell phone?
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    Verizon Finalizes $4.8 Billion Yahoo Deal

    @rabelzthemc when a buyout occurs, the purchasing company's share price almost always drops a bit and the bought out company's stock will rise.
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    Tiktok is Starting to Hit the Bottom lines of Google (Youtube) and Meta. Will this turn into potential existential threats?

    @resjudicata Based on what? Younger generations are far more into Tiktok than youtube