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  1. S

    Yet another budget spreadsheet

    @firemountain7 Yes, replace cell E26 with the following =IF(F26, IF(C20/12>1615, FLOOR((FLOOR(C20/12)-1615)*0.09)*12,0), "Lucky you :p") that should do it : )
  2. S

    Yet another budget spreadsheet

    @mooh Hey! Thanks for such a kind comment : ) Here's the template: Let me know if there's a mistake somewhere or if I can change anything for you
  3. S

    Being advised to accept a high 6.4% @2yrs over 5.8% @5yrs #HELP

    @soworriedaboutthis I'm afraid there is no easy answer. Nobody knows the future rates. It WILL be a risk that you have to accept. The decision is up to you.