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  1. F

    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    @tjh Vacations is definitely high and could easily be cut in half. But I’m way more concerned about the $22k in “etc etc”. If it wasn’t important enough to list out it is very likely to be silly spending. Id wager he’d have to do some serious digging to even know what that was spent on. Edit...
  2. F

    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    @tjh A lot of people do for sure, but OP makes $170k a year. The $6k eating out isn’t the problem. Of course cutting it out would help, but there’s easier things for him to start with is what I’m saying
  3. F

    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    @tjh Honestly $6k in eating out with kids isn’t that bad. My wife and I alone spend close to $15k between eating out and grocery’s. Now we’re still saving about 35% and sacrifice other things like clubs/bars, so I’m not saying OP shouldn’t save more. But eating out isn’t the worst thing he had...