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  1. L

    Approving my portfolio plan

    @tdcochran25 Very thanks for answers to both. I have some capital which I'd like to "lump sum", because I think it is good time to buy right now and then I'd like to do "DCA", so invest every month some specific amount. I am investing on Trading 212, which has funds protection up to 20 000 USD...
  2. L

    Approving my portfolio plan

    Hello there. What do you think about this portfolio? 20 % EIMI 10 % ZPRV 8 % ZPRX 30 % VUAA 30 % SSAC I am still in phase of planning. I am inspired by Ben Felix and his video about Five Factor Investing with ETFs. XIC 30 % VUN 30 % AVUV 10 % XEF 16 % AVDV 6 % XEC...