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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @qity What was the consequences once there catch the location descrepancy
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @artanis Have not prepaid, need to sign the edelivery and provide payment details. Yes did email the agent as well
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @artanis Pacific Life
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    I had applied for Life insurance, it has been approved and have a eDelivery to be be signed. I completed the application and medical exams while I was in USA, it took them a while to approve and send the docs. Now I am traveling in a different country and I am, staying here for total 32 days...
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    Insurance medical lab report better than annual physical

    I was reported to have A1C of 6.2 and diagnosed as pre-diabetic on 10/2023, but my medical lab report for life insurance came out at normal range 5.9 which was done on 12/2023. Does this mean I will be getting more favorable health class or does not help much, even though the reports came out...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bethellens Do you mind elaborating a little bit, I m struggling to figure this out, agent basically agrees to what I say, so not much help!
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bethellens 10 time current income 10k a month at 4% return which covers current expense, if one of us can’t work and take care of kids
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bethellens What is joint life rider ? Please help understand
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    I guess the main question, i am trying to get to is, how to ladder for most beneficial outcome?
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @levnishbar The price saving from doing so would be just $500 a year, is it worth breaking that down, given that she might have to pay much higher later if we need to buy more...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @firebynight When decreasing the face value is the reduction in premium proportional , like would it cost the same as buying a lesser policy now? Or since u are locked in insurance company will charge u more than lower policy right now?
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @structure Got high cholesterol under control with meds for 2 yrs and recent pre-diabetes diagnosis was told to diet and exercise. I was quoted for standard table 2.
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    We are trying to decide how to structure our term life policies, any suggestion would be appreciated. 38 M and 37 F, with a 6 months old and 3 year old kids. We will be buying a new house around 800k sometime soon. We make 250k each. I think we need 3M in total coverage, 1M for mortgage...