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  1. S

    Property Advice

    @bluecheese Oh it's fine. So much of buying a house is deciding what compromises you'll make, and what are your essentials. If you feel it's the best house for you then that's all that matters.
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    Property Advice

    @bluecheese I get the sense you know what house you want but want reassurance you aren't mad for buying a smaller less fancy house then you can afford (but i could be wrong!). So if it helps I did the same. For what I could afford I could probably have bought a bigger and nicer house, but I...
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    In my first year of college, I can finally work, what should I do?

    @clartyclark When I was in collage I worked in M&S for a bit (one of the food only stores). I'd work 4 to six hour shifts in the afternoon/evening, which included an hour or two of restocking the shelves, etc, so I'd check supermarkets to see if any do evening shifts. EBS has an account where...
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    Property Advice

    @bluecheese I don't drive, so that always factored into my decision, but I preferred to be closer to things, and feel like I was somewhere with a bit more going on, then somewhere more out of the way. A bigger house might be important if you need the space but do think about what will make...
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    In need of some career advice!

    @trevayne It might be worth contacting your ITs career service to see if they can link you with career guidance, or stuff like aptitude tests to figure out what you might like. Honestly I'd take a year or two to get a job and start to figure out what type of work you might like before you go...