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    How does EUR hedging of US Treasury bills work?

    @nicky_uk You probably won't find a good, cheap product... I have CHF as currency, and still barely managed to find 1-2 products. I looked at charts and saw that in the longterm the RON is slowly devaluating compared to other currencies... So I guess you won't have big problems by just hedging...
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini You might want to look for a different tax accountant... if you even really need one. This one is clearly trying to sell you a life insurance by abusing your trust.
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    [DE] Advice on starting investing

    @livewell12257 In a crash that affects both stocks and bonds yes... otherwise it's a way of letting inflation eat your money. This has just psychological reasons. Statistically it's better to invest everything you can and want to invest as soon as possible. (google "vanguard lump sum" for...
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    How to invest in Gold?

    @sallyalder To be fair, if things really get that bad Gold also becomes worthless since you can't eat it, it doesnt warm you, and you can't use it for defense or shelter...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 You didn't seem to know :) Also, the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath But you said that you have that money in cash? Like physical paper... Or was that a translation error?
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @brothermark83 Not being your home / main currency definitely plays a big role in bonds. Otherwise people could enjoy those big % on all those foreign currencies, instead of getting those 0% EUR bonds. Yeah I kinda agree... but that goes in both directions. Those 4% are just not really 4% for...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 A managed fund doesn't guarantee that... All it guarantees it that they take ~1 %point of your profits.
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    Investing with private banking worth the fees?

    @thequestionistgirl No. Best case you get something very close to an index fund for +1% fees. Worst case they gamble away your money.
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath Only option 3 makes a difference, but not necessarily a good one because hedging costs money and why would you buy Bonds anyway... The main question for you is how you get the cash into a bank account, so you can actually use it... Is suspect whatever you do will have high fees...
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @brothermark83 If that cash is not in your home currency those high % don't necessarily mean much.
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath You can still buy good ETFS in Europe. E.g. iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF and others
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @kevin9626 Their future profits are mostly already priced in... So you don't really get the yield that the bond has.
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    Best savings accounts EU?

    @httx Anything more is probably just some temporary advertisement from the bank though. Not really worth it for the long term.
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath A stock represents a "physical" part of some company... not a currency. It's like buying an ingot of gold. It doesn't matter if you bought it with EUR or USD, in the end you own a piece of metal.
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    Finpension Global Market ETF (VT - VWRL Clone)

    @gtdispomed9093 You already figured out everything there is to know with IBKR. Now it's not worth it to give 0.3% of your portfolio to finpension.
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @blessingsbe The secondary market kinda sucks though, since you won't get it for the original price.
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    I have 300k standing on my paypal

    @masterbuilder1769 To be fair a real bank would also trigger some extra checks if you suddenly just transferred 300k into your account. But yeah, at least you have some real person to talk there, instead of some shitty only customer support. Transferwise shouldn't be too bad though. They seem...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @boxer_dog I never said that it's better to get the S&P500. Just that if that is the only cheap ETF that you have access to, it does a decent job at roughly representing the World economy. That's probably where those statements from Buffet and Bogle come from, because when they said it global...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt The S&P500 is a good proxy for an All-World ETF because most companies in there operate globally anyway. But if you have access to other, cheap ETFs that cover the whole world I would go for them instead.