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  1. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @cocoach Why is this is a good allocation?
  2. C

    TSP Allocation: For all the people GIVING advice on this sub

    @3dayfarm those people when you say "long term" and they think you mean 5 years lol
  3. C

    TSP Allocation: For all the people GIVING advice on this sub

    @3dayfarm Absolutely, the L funds are my first recommendation to all those not interested in learning or worrying about the market. Target date funds are great. Also agree about starting aggressive and becoming more conservative over time. Glide paths are key as you enter the latter half of your...
  4. C

    TSP Allocation: For all the people GIVING advice on this sub

    This is addressed to the members of this community who give out advice on TSP allocation strategies. This is a really important topic, and I think the community might be suffering under a status quo that maybe hasn't been challenged. This observation is just what I've seen over the past few...
  5. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @liahna You say I'm condescending, but it's you turning to personal attacks. I hope you see past my self-importance to the information I'm conveying, as it will help you also in the long run. Don't shoot the message.
  6. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @liahna You say this as if market crashes are an anomaly. Right, that's nice, but this part about the double digit growth following doesn't always happen. Focusing onthe 2009-2019 timeframe is pointless and really pretty harmful. Why does it always seem like the same people who will: on...
  7. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @liahna This is poor advice, as it's based entirely on hindsight bias. There was no way of knowing for sure that the C/S funds would dominate over the past decade. If you go back just one more decade, you'll see they returned 0% and it was the I fund that dominated. The F fund is a great...
  8. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @nenab Just keep the L fund for another year and then throw it in the new 2055 or 2060 that comes out next year.
  9. C

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @david90 Have some % of bonds is generally a good thing, even for young investors.
  10. C

    TSP Allocation Question

    @kennethe62 This is the silliest answer, as it serves no point at all. There's really no diversification benefit, and if you really want to go all in on domestic equity, just put it all in the S fund. There's a robust small cap premium you'll likely collect over time.
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    TSP Allocation Question

    @siesaw23 Reddit loves to recommend the following: 100% C fund 50/50 C/S funds 60/20/20 C/S/I funds There are reasons why they recommend these funds, but none of the reasons are good ones. Ranging from home country bias, to hive mind group think, to recency bias and performance chasing. I've...
  12. C

    TSP Allocation Question

    @patto It's only the minority opinion on Reddit. It's the majority opinion among people who know what they're talking about or actually work in or study finance and investment management. So you're in good company.
  13. C

    Thoughts on this TSP allocation?

    @michaelsu If you already know the final allocation weights, why not just put themselves there yourself? Then you could choose more F over G (my recommendation).
  14. C

    International investing

    @cyncincyn Edi: replied to wrong comment. 99% don't do that. You're talking about active stock picking and day trading. That's not the entire investment world. US equity is one tool in the tool box. There are other passive, broad index tools to use. You can combine assets and markets into a...
  15. C

    Thoughts on this TSP allocation?

    @michaelsu L2055 and L2060 come out in a few months and will be adopting the new asset allocation strategy that'll bring them more in line with industry peers. I would check them out as they will be overweighted in equities and underweighted in fixed income compared to current L funds.
  16. C

    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @brooklyn1212 Did I say I was immune? I don't know everything, but I do have a master's degree in personal finance and a specialization in Investment management. I've been in the shoes of the people who recommend 100 C portfolios. I recognize that's a sign of a layman, beginner, or novice...
  17. C

    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @g54 I have a high risk tolerance. It doesn't suddenly make poor investing more optimal than superior choices. There was some Nobel Prize winning math done on the subject in the 80s which founded Modern Portfolio Theory. Here's a brief intro to some of the core ideas And that's just an intro...
  18. C

    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @frankiejohn Point taken. My thought process was that trying to be nice about it in the past hasn't really worked, so I thought a more direct approach would serve as a better wake up call. We have a serious problem with poor advice spreading like cancer, see this thread at the top of our sub as...
  19. C

    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @brooklyn1212 On the subject of the benefits of international investing, several sources can be found in my linked post on it. If those are insufficient, I can provide more. But I'd urge everyone just to open up Google and search for themselves. Literally everywhere you look, you'll find the...
  20. C

    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @g54 I'll wait my whole life, because such evidence doesn't exist. It's not because I'm not worth your time or energy. I've been a long subscriber to that and leanFIRE. There's never been a good argument made there for 100% domestic equity investing. And in those subs and in r/investing and...