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  1. F

    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @nickmens that sucks dude. you're not alone. it can definitely feel impossible just to barely stay above water. I hope you keep holding on and do whatever you can to take care of yourself despite the financial burdens.
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @jerem I've worked with people kinda like that...dismissive. So often I have coworkers who clearly have family money... either from parents, inheritance, or from a partnership. We might technically make a similar income as individuals, but still live vastly differently class experiences. Like...
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @lonelyinmarriage I've been biting my tongue for years, and people still manage to take jabs. Dude someone called my truck a toy because it's old, manual, and rolling windows... no computer lol. another person was trying to convince me to spend money I don't have to make a repair I don't -need-...
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @resjudicata It's all insecurity. Money and material items makes the masses sick in the head. Guilt begets shame, Viscous cycle. Fragile Egos of the Snoozing 'Woke'
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @faithnazarene615 gotta love when people treat ya like you're dumb just cuz you struggling smh
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @wonderingwhy Fair perspective. I find it really difficult to understand how so many people live under rocks and in bubbles and like... don't consider that other realities exist? Many people don't or can't use credit. Idk why this is so shocking to people who are well-off. Naivety is innocent...
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @caiahcot haha yesss. I definitely like to give a salty "So it sounds like you want to pay my bills?"
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @gloria_ Ugh this is all exactly it. Whether it's cars, insurance, pet care, luxury items, take out, you name it...people who are well-off always find a way to judge poor people for living our damn lives. Like, yes I'm allowed to buy a new pair of work pants after the literal 1 pair I wore for...
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    @zookeeper944 exactly that! it's exhausting fielding people's ignorance some days. I wish I had a magic money tree growing in my backyard!
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    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    I'm so tired of it. It's not a productive question. The only point of asking that is to assert that I am making a choice to be in poverty. It's never a question that comes from trying to understand, empathize, or help. The "Why" is always a fucking subliminal demand to Fix It or Get Your Shit...