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  1. G

    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @sisterm Yet there's still tons of people in this thread arguing about semantics like the average profit margin being down. Oh no, the margin of 300% went to 280%. Sucks to be them. How ever will they survive? Guess nobody gets a raise or a bonus this year. Edit: Crazy how someone can go out...
  2. G

    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @janeway But the profit margins don't matter to me when I'm not benefiting from it. I'm actively losing at life because of them, suddenly, raising their prices. I know damn well they didn't raise the pay of their employees. So where is all the money going? You can't honestly sit here and say...
  3. G

    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @mickiel Because my grocery bill is most relevant to my day to day life. Haven't gotten a raise in a year or so, but in that same time, my average grocery bill increased 20%. Basic things like spices doubled in cost while more expensive things like beef went up only 5%. Grated cheese costs more...
  4. G

    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @druzemar I'm not complaining about the stores like walmart. I'm complaining about the suppliers like McCormik, Kraft, Nestle, etc
  5. G

    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @baongoc1990 How can this be if my grocery bill increased by almost 50% for the exact same items and companies are reporting record profits, some finally being profitable since their inception in the late 2010s?