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  1. K

    Advice on Investing as an expat in the UK

    @seeking626 You'll be back walking the fine line of a US expat wanting to open an investment account. Might be able to, might get knocked back (in the real world). But good point on the foreign tax credit system Vs FEIE. However FTC is more common for expats earning huge bucks I thought?
  2. K

    Advice on Investing as an expat in the UK

    @stephendisraeli Unless you're taking out a PFIC investment then it will be US based anyway?.....
  3. K

    Advice on Investing as an expat in the UK

    @seeking626 That sounds reasonable. You will also get something around $105,000 per annum of foreign earned income exclusion. Meaning your UK income won't be taxed in the US (but you'll have to pay UK income tax of course).
  4. K

    Advice on Investing as an expat in the UK

    @seeking626 Stick to US based stuff. Don't touch any UK mutual funds as they will be a PFIC for you. Big taxes and complex. Stick to RH trading.