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  1. W

    Mortgage increasing by £250p/m wiping out savings

    @oddexperience If you are struggling now how will you cope on one income? You need to work out where every penny goes, cut out everything that isn't an essential and find a cheaper alternative for essentials you need to save as much as possible while you still have 2 incomes.
  2. W

    Mortgage increasing by £250p/m wiping out savings

    @oddexperience You can earn £7500 a year tax free from a lodger not sure if this is each or per house/household. You can earn up to £1000 a year each from things like selling on eBay. You'd also get £500+ a month for hosting Ukrainian refugees the amount goes up the longer you host.
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    Mortgage increasing by £250p/m wiping out savings

    @oddexperience That seems awfully high we spend £100 a month on food for 2 adults which I realise is the extreme end of frugal but you can definitely cut it. Everything safety related and everything your baby sleeps in or on should be brand new but everything else can be 2nd hand. Cloth nappies...