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    JNJ Conversion to Kenvue Discussion

    @gknows Not a lot of earnings growth, saturated market, JNJ is lucky to get rid of it. They raise capital and shed a slow growth part of their company. The premium not worth it.
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    Retired w/ $9.5 million In Assets

    @yakob123 At that asset level, Id suggest redirecting RMDs to be reinvested, there is no cash need at all that would warrant a HYSA. Most of the planning should be with an Estate Planner and ensuring they have used applicable exemptions (didnt see which state....) and trust planning.
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    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @resjudicata So....saying profit margins fell by (actually 16.4% in the S&P500 source: JPM) in 2022, is actually correct then, isnt it? Thus, you are just a raging asshole who wants everyone to know your beliefs about what corporate profits should be, telling people not to believe the data...
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    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @resjudicata What about what I said do you believe is incorrect?
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    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @ghackman Companies were reporting record revenues, not record profits last year. Revenues minus expenses equals profit. If expenses increased at a rate faster than revenues, profits will fall on a relative basis. Just like you experienced inflation, so did companies. People spent a ton more...
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    Are corporate profits anomalously high, and will it last? Or revert?

    @daniellea Why are you using data throigh 2021? Profit margins fell over 15.5% last year in the US.