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  1. B

    Milestone Achieved: 31M - 1 Cr Net Worth!

    @juanna Do F&O for a free net worth reset
  2. B

    My father’s getting a car loan, but I think it's a foolish decision

    @faryfary I agree with you in the sense that OP should get a job and his father is spending his father's money. However, unless this car is supposed to benefit them in arranged marriage or something like that, this is not a smart decision, so OP should tell his opinion honestly to his father so...
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    My father’s getting a car loan, but I think it's a foolish decision

    @hqwriteradh Yes, it is very important for planning, managing cash, growing, stocking up, etc. I'm just saying many shop owners don't keep track of it.
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    My father’s getting a car loan, but I think it's a foolish decision

    @hqwriteradh There are businesses that keeps only a record of who owes what and stock and nothing else. They have no idea how much profit is and don't bother to calculate it as they find it a hassle. It is not like profit will increase if they calculate it.