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  1. J

    My advice: nothing new

    @jtmsavestheday Well done, that's perseverance right here. Did you work abroad or just in India?
  2. J

    [Milestone] Crossed 1 cr networth

    @revots That's very frugal living, well done. Only thing I would say is don't forget to also live your life, you're quite young still and one thing that I realize now(about 10 years older than you) is that I wish there were trips that I took when I was your age and had way less responsibilities...
  3. J

    [Milestone] Crossed 1 cr networth

    @revots Congratulations! Your savings rate in incredible, care to share the details of your lifestyle? I'm curious to know how you're surviving in a Tier 1 city spending under 3 lacs p.a.
  4. J

    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @ajewelinhiscrown It's good to be financially conscious which you are, so congrats on that. Only thing I would say is that you're still young and so do not forget to invest in yourself too: higher education(you mentioned MBA), fitness, hobbies. And remember to have some fun, buy things for...