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  1. S

    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @saddle It's discussed in a few places but is one example
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    Annoyingly I can't seem to verify my phone number to post to discord....
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @rosyy57 What the hell are you talking about? 1) I have nothing to do with MrMoneyMoustache. Or maybe I'm plugging wikipedia? TBF it's pretty great. 2) I'm literally here asking if nfs fees are too high so if I'm plugging it I'm doing a shit job 3) There are a lot of reasons to want to save...
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @rosyy57 Thanks - the 1% (1.25-1.5%) is more on my mind because if returns average 8% that's a ~18% hit, even worse when you consider that it's annual so you're losing any future returns on that money. I'm accustomed to having easy access to a wide array of extremely low-fee index funds...
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @danyyyy101 Thanks! Really appreciate it.
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @danyyyy101 labrokers? Davyselect? I also am trying to find someone to set up the "unlimited contributions without BIK" aspect of it. Maybe it's as simple as just asking my company's accountant to pay in? I honestly HATE calling people and dicking around with smalltalk and having them try to...
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @danyyyy101 Yeah looking at 1.5% with NFS and Goodbody/new Ireland vs .5% with Zurich seems to make it an easy choice. Annoying that I have to talk to people and can't just do it online. Maybe there's a business opportunity there...
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    @danyyyy101 Thanks! This is useful. Do you know who I can pay a fee to to set this kind of thing up to, instead of some annual percent of the fund? Aside from this most recent change I thought I was limited to contributing 25% of my income per year, so doing it over several years would be...
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    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    I'm 40 and have (almost) no retirement savings. Ooops! Fortunately I am the owner of a limited company with decent cashflow and a paid off house. I read here my limited company should be able to make unlimited pension contributions with no BIK, income limits, etc. in 2023. My accountant...